We joined CHARTER Alliance Community programme as a SUPPORTER

We have officially joined the CHARTER Community programme of CHARTER – The European
Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance as a Supporter Member of the Erasmus+ funded blueprint
CHARTER is an Erasmus+ funded blueprint project which started back in January 2021 and will
last for the next 3 years (DEC-24). CHARTER aims to bridge the gap of skills shortages and
mismatches between the educational and occupational systems in the cultural heritage sector
by creating a lasting, comprehensive sectoral skills alliance. The project reunites 47
full/affiliate/associate partners consortium which represent some of the top European cultural
heritage actors.
The CHARTER Community represents the first step for creating the future sustainable and
resilient alliance the project will provide by its end in 2024. The community seeks to join forces
with different actors in the cultural heritage sector who want to establish a connection with
CHARTER and support its mission and goals.
As a CHARTER Supporter we encourage you to follow-up closely the project’s development and
results as a key initiative for the cultural heritage sector. We will support CHARTER by helping to
make its contributions reach further stakeholders and audiences and we hope to assist with our
expertise and experience in the future years to come.