Linee guida per gli autori
Paper Title
First Author Name 1
Second Author Name 2
(Affiliation 1): 1Department, Organization, City, Country
(Affiliation 2): 2Department, Organization, City, Country
Email: address (only first author)
300 words maximum. Only in English.
Type style: book Antigua 9, single spaced
Keywords: Keywords 1, Keywords 2, Keywords 3.
Languages: The language authorized is: English.
It is also possible to submit articles in other languages (Spanish, Italian, French, German, etc..) but with the final summary in English.
Type of Articles: research articles (no books or exhibition reviews).
Topics: Contributions to any topic in architecture, restoration, history of architecture, civil engineering and related disciplines are welcome. However, articles should be original and innovative, offering new research material and/or new perspectives.
The text consists of an introduction, paragraphs and conclusions.
Type style: book Antigua 9, single spaced.
Preferred article length is between 20.000 and 40.000 characters (including spaces).
However, both shorter and more comprehensive articles, as well as articles including appendices, are also welcome.
Images and Tables
Format .jpg (300 dpi), color or black and white images (max. n°10)
Caption style: book Antigua 8
Fig.1. Vue generale de la Habane Capitale de l'Isle de Cube Garneray, Hippolite-Jean-Baptiste (1787-1858) - 1779
[Digital Library of the Ibero-American Heritage, Spain]
Fig. 2. Havana. Castillo de la Real Fuerza in Weiss Joáquin E. 1972. La arquitectura colonial cubana. La Habana: Letras cubanas. p. 172
Follow the author-date method for citations. It means that the author’s last name and the year of publication of the source should appear in the text, e.g., (Conforti, 2007), and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.
Ackerman, J.S. 1968. L’architettura di Michelangelo. Torino: Einaudi
Benvenuto, E. 1981. La scienza delle costruzioni ed il suo sviluppo storico, Firenze: Sansoni Editore
Conforti, C. 1997. Lo specchio del cielo : forme significati tecniche e funzioni della cupola dal Pantheon al Novecento, Milano: Electa Mondadori
Di Pasquale, S. 1996. L'Arte del Costruire tra conoscenza e scienza. Venezia: Marsilio Editore
Schlageter, M. 2006. Trends, issues and challenges face the firm of the future. Accounting Today, Vol. 20, No. 11, p12A.
Zander, G. 1991. Storia della Scienza e della Tecnica Edilizia. Roma: Multigrafica Editrice.